BGKontakti Berlin BG Kontakti

by BuCons GmbH



BG Kontakti Berlin - direct connection with the Bulgarians in Berlin.

BG Kontakti Berlin - direct connection with the Bulgarians in Berlin.A contact with Bulgarians doctors, dentists, pharmacies, lawyers, translators, accountants, real estate brokers and many other interesting and important companies and people in Berlin. All the necessary information practically in one place and always handy in your mobile phone - address, phone, website, email, working time.Stay well informed!Now one mobile BGKontakti App for Germany.

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Има ли опция, с която мога да подам информация за заведения, аптеки и т.н., които знам, че са български, а ги няма в системата? Не видях също така опция за ревюта на съществуващите вече контакти.

Irina K.

Иновативно и полезно :)

Alexander Detev